Total RG Main Event Entries: 278
Players Remaining: 32
Average Stack: 174,000

Thomas Houston already hit one big river card on Day 2 and just binked another to stay alive and double up to 360,000 in a huge pot against Scott Davis.
Houston opened for 20,000 from early position and Davis called on the button to see a K♣10♥9♠ flop. Houston continued for 20,000 and Davis put in a raise to 50,000. With about 130,000 behind, Houston moved all-in and Davis snap-called with Q♦J♦ for the flopped nuts.
Houston showed K♥10♦ and needed some help to stay alive and got in the form of the K♠ on the river. Davis sat in anguish as he shipped the pot over to Houston and is now left with 60,000. For his part, Houston is right behind Mark Fink in the race for the chip lead.