Level 20 (8,000/16,000/2,000)
Total Entrants: 293
Players Remaining: 12
Chip Average: 488,000
Aces versus Kings brought down Jasen Currie earlier on Day 2 and felted Todd Kennedy (pictured) with Jose Yoel Gonzalez Ramirez raking in the spoils.
Rodney Spriggs opened under the gun to 35,000 and Ramirez moved all-in for 200,000 from one seat over. Kennedy called all-in from the big blind for 120,000 and Spriggs folded.
The A♣A♠ of Ramirez had Kennedy's K♣K♥ in a vice and the J♣10♣8♦6♦Q♣ board sent the pot Ramirez's way. Ramirez is at his Day 2 climax with 365,000 as his boat appearance nears.
Spriggs was almost out a few hands later when he shoved for 266,000 with A♥5♥ and was called by the A♦Q♥ of Jon Bennett. A five hit the flop and Spriggs doubled, leaving Bennett with 255,000.