Level 10 (800/1,600/200)
Day 1B Entrants: 147

Total Entrants: 218
Day 1B Players Remaining: 49
Chip Average: 60,000

Dan 'Wretchy' Martin is now at Table 20 and the action he brought with him has infected the rest of the players there. In two straight hands, Jafar Kamarei (pictured above) and Gayle Hilderbrand (pictured below) picked up sizable pots to boost their stacks higher. 

Kamarei limped the cutoff and Rodney Spriggs checked his option from the big blind. Both players checked the Q96 flop and Spriggs bet 2,800 on the 3♠ turn. Kamarei raised to 8,000 and Spriggs called to the 5 river. Spriggs bet 8,000 and Kamarei moved all-in.

Spriggs tanked for two minutes and then called for 25,000 total with 9♠3. That was no good against the 3♣3 of Kamarei and he chipped up to 160,000.

On a flop of J♣6♠3♣, Seth Evans bet 3,000 from the small blind and Hilderbrand raised to 9,000 from the cutoff. Evans called and they checked the 8♠ turn. Evans bet 10,000 on the A♠ river and Hilderbrand called with 4♠3♠ for a flush. Evans flashed an ace and dipped to 70,000. Hilderbrand is playing 145,000 as he moves higher.

Between the two players and Martin, there should be more big pots playing out before the end of the night. 

Hard rock tulsaMain eventRungood poker series