Level 22 (12,000/24,000/4,000)
Total Entrants: 346
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Average: 989,000

Shane Fuller (pictured) found his double up and in the process sent Mark Van Keirsbilck to the bottom of the leaderboard.  

Van Keirsbilck opened the hijack to 50,000 and Fuller shoved for 298,000 in the cutoff. Van Keirsbilck put in calling chips after 15 seconds with K♣Q and Fuller's A♠Q♠ was a favorite to double.

The AKQ♣ flop left Van Keirsbilck needing a king to notch the elimination. The 6♠ turn and 2♠ river missed him and Fuller doubled up. Van Keirsbilck is now down to 240,000 and in need of a double of his own.

Hard rock tulsaMain eventRungood poker series