Jamul San Diego $250 DeepStack Ring Event Seat Draws and Chip Counts

Entrants: 186
Prize Pool: $37,200


Place Prize
1 $8,800
2 $5,875
3 $4,320
4 $3,210
5 $2,420
6 $1,845
7 $1,425
8 $1,115
9 $880
10 $880
11 $705
12 $705
13 $575
14 $575
15 $475
16 $475
17 $395
18 $395
19 $395
20 $395
21 $335
22 $335
23 $335
24 $335

By Chips:

Place Last Name First Name chip count Table Seat
1 Meyers Kevin 535,000 2 3
2 Basa Roel 329,000 3 9
3 Mesina Armando 315,000 1 6
4 Batoo Astivan 285,000 1 7
5 Saewitz Joshua 265,000 3 2
6 Larkin Jonathan 256,000 1 5
7 Anzar Francisco 240,000 3 7
8 Arcadia Di Wu 225,000 2 1
9 Autenreith Leslie 199,000 3 4
10 Peterson Charles 195,000 1 9
11 Morales Sergio 185,000 2 9
12 Callevo Timoteo 180,000 3 3
13 Gonzalez Daniel 167,000 1 2
14 Beti Jeffrey 158,000 2 4
15 Bailund Michael 143,000 1 1
16 Collopy Michael 143,000 3 8
17 Aran Peter 123,000 2 7
18 Korman C Tamer 120,000 2 8
19 Perry Mike 105,000 2 2
20 Corpuz Dennis 96,000 3 5
21 Hoag Bob 88,000 3 1
22 Navarro Juan Carlos 82,000 1 3
23 Yang Qiyian 80,000 1 4
24 Koepker Cary 51,000 2 5

By Name:

Last Name First Name chip count Table Seat
Anzar Francisco 240,000 3 7
Aran Peter 123,000 2 7
Arcadia Di Wu 225,000 2 1
Autenreith Leslie 199,000 3 4
Bailund Michael 143,000 1 1
Basa Roel 329,000 3 9
Batoo Astivan 285,000 1 7
Beti Jeffrey 158,000 2 4
Callevo Timoteo 180,000 3 3
Collopy Michael 143,000 3 8
Corpuz Dennis 96,000 3 5
Gonzalez Daniel 167,000 1 2
Hoag Bob 88,000 3 1
Koepker Cary 51,000 2 5
Korman C Tamer 120,000 2 8
Larkin Jonathan 256,000 1 5
Mesina Armando 315,000 1 6
Meyers Kevin 535,000 2 3
Morales Sergio 185,000 2 9
Navarro Juan Carlos 82,000 1 3
Perry Mike 105,000 2 2
Peterson Charles 195,000 1 9
Saewitz Joshua 265,000 3 2
Yang Qiyian 80,000 1 4

By Table and Seat:

Table Seat Last Name First Name chip count
3 1 Hoag Bob 88,000
3 2 Saewitz Joshua 265,000
3 3 Callevo Timoteo 180,000
3 4 Autenreith Leslie 199,000
3 5 Corpuz Dennis 96,000
3 7 Anzar Francisco 240,000
3 8 Collopy Michael 143,000
3 9 Basa Roel 329,000
2 1 Arcadia Di Wu 225,000
2 2 Perry Mike 105,000
2 3 Meyers Kevin 535,000
2 4 Beti Jeffrey 158,000
2 5 Koepker Cary 51,000
2 7 Aran Peter 123,000
2 8 Korman C Tamer 120,000
2 9 Morales Sergio 185,000
1 1 Bailund Michael 143,000
1 2 Gonzalez Daniel 167,000
1 3 Navarro Juan Carlos 82,000
1 4 Yang Qiyian 80,000
1 5 Larkin Jonathan 256,000
1 6 Mesina Armando 315,000
1 7 Batoo Astivan 285,000
1 9 Peterson Charles 195,000