Chip Counts and Seating Information For RG Iowa $400 NLH DeepStack Ring Event


By Chips:

Hengen David 855,000 20 2
Pleskal Anthony 581,000 25 8
Long Jacob 489,000 26 4
Lawson Jon 365,000 19 7
Gannon Liam 359,000 20 5
Reynen Jim 307,000 19 3
Henry Trevor 305,000 19 5
Oppeh Daryl 302,000 19 1
Phan Nam 294,000 19 9
Devaney James 278,000 26 5
Stuart Benjamin 277,000 20 8
Briggs Michael 250,000 20 7
Johnson Henry 250,000 26 7
Goughnour Jay 219,000 26 8
Williams Terry 173,000 25 9
Comeskey Caitlin 154,000 25 7
Moore Jerry 154,000 25 6
Colby McCormick 152,000 26 9
Kathol Lee 123,000 26 1
Douglas JR 110,000 20 6
Watson Kevin 101,000 25 8
Annabemoju Madhan 100,000 19 2
Dunn Kaleb 94,000 19 4
QuangPhan Quang 92,000 25 4
Howard Taylor 86,000 26 3
Khorran Cyrus 82,000 25 3
Gregg Michael 82,000 19 8
Kudlscek Matt 81,000 20 4
Peter Allen 79,000 20 9
Boeding Lonnie 72,000 25 1
Henman Brent 71,000 20 1
Hererx Michaeh 41,000 26 6
Tremen Mark 38,000 19 6
Michaels Aaron 35,000 20 3
Sanchez Spencer 32,000 25 5

By Name:

Last Name First Name chip count Table Seat
1 Annabemoju Madhan 100,000 19 2
2 Boeding Lonnie 72,000 25 1
3 Briggs Michael 250,000 20 7
4 Colby McCormick 152,000 26 9
5 Comeskey Caitlin 154,000 25 7
6 Devaney James 278,000 26 5
7 Douglas JR 110,000 20 6
8 Dunn Kaleb 94,000 19 4
9 Gannon Liam 359,000 20 5
10 Goughnour Jay 219,000 26 8
11 Gregg Michael 82,000 19 8
12 Hengen David 855,000 20 2
13 Henman Brent 71,000 20 1
14 Henry Trevor 305,000 19 5
15 Hererx Michaeh 41,000 26 6
16 Howard Taylor 86,000 26 3
17 Johnson Henry 250,000 26 7
18 Kathol Lee 123,000 26 1
19 Khorran Cyrus 82,000 25 3
20 Kudlscek Matt 81,000 20 4
21 Lawson Jon 365,000 19 7
22 Long Jacob 489,000 26 4
23 Michaels Aaron 35,000 20 3
24 Moore Jerry 154,000 25 6
25 Oppeh Daryl 302,000 19 1
26 Peter Allen 79,000 20 9
27 Phan Nam 294,000 19 9
28 Pleskal Anthony 581,000 25 8
29 QuangPhan Quang 92,000 25 4
30 Reynen Jim 307,000 19 3
31 Sanchez Spencer 32,000 25 5
32 Stuart Benjamin 277,000 20 8
33 Tremen Mark 38,000 19 6
34 Watson Kevin 101,000 25 8
35 Williams Terry 173,000 25 9


By Table and Seat:

Last Name First Name chip count Table Seat
1 Oppeh Daryl 302,000 19 1
2 Annabemoju Madhan 100,000 19 2
3 Reynen Jim 307,000 19 3
4 Dunn Kaleb 94,000 19 4
5 Henry Trevor 305,000 19 5
6 Tremen Mark 38,000 19 6
7 Lawson Jon 365,000 19 7
8 Gregg Michael 82,000 19 8
9 Phan Nam 294,000 19 9
10 Henman Brent 71,000 20 1
11 Hengen David 855,000 20 2
12 Michaels Aaron 35,000 20 3
13 Kudlscek Matt 81,000 20 4
14 Gannon Liam 359,000 20 5
15 Douglas JR 110,000 20 6
16 Briggs Michael 250,000 20 7
17 Stuart Benjamin 277,000 20 8
18 Peter Allen 79,000 20 9
19 Boeding Lonnie 72,000 25 1
20 Khorran Cyrus 82,000 25 3
21 QuangPhan Quang 92,000 25 4
22 Sanchez Spencer 32,000 25 5
23 Moore Jerry 154,000 25 6
24 Comeskey Caitlin 154,000 25 7
25 Pleskal Anthony 581,000 25 8
26 Watson Kevin 101,000 25 8
27 Williams Terry 173,000 25 9
28 Kathol Lee 123,000 26 1
29 Howard Taylor 86,000 26 3
30 Long Jacob 489,000 26 4
31 Devaney James 278,000 26 5
32 Hererx Michaeh 41,000 26 6
33 Johnson Henry 250,000 26 7
34 Goughnour Jay 219,000 26 8
35 Colby McCormick 152,000 26 9